Category: Interview

Father of a child ‌ recruited by PKK: “My son was abducted and killed”

According to the Iranian Kurdistan Human Rights Watch (IKHRW), the presence of child soldiers in the PKK and its branches is undeniable, even the heads of this terrorist group have confirmed it. Hundreds of Kurdish mothers have gathered in front of the office of the People’s Democratic Party (HDP) in Diyarbakir, Turkey for more than […]

Latest victim of PJAK terrorism: Seyran Abbasi, mother of two children

A documentary and convincing report by the Iranian Kurdistan Human Rights Watch (IKHRW) on the kidnapping, burying and killing a number of Iranian teenagers and children in PJAK headquarters and the caves where the group lives and this due to avalanches and heavy snow in 2020 winter, led to numerous reactions and questions in Kurdistan […]

Why doesn’t PJAK deliver Kamrani’s corpse to his family?

According to the Iranian Kurdistan Human Rights Watch, the PKK-affiliated Euphrates News Agency published a report on August 31, 2018, in which PKK forces were killed in a bombing raid by the Turkish army on August 2, 2018, on the outskirts of Shirnak, South-East Turkey. One of the Iranian forces killed in this attack was […]

Ibrahim Guchlu: PKK was established to destroy Kurdish movements in Turkey

According to the Iranian Kurdistan Human Rights Watch (IKHRW), this year marks the 40th anniversary of the founding of the PKK militant group. As an armed group with Marxist-Leninist ideology and special teachings such as the prohibition of marriage, the PKK was initially formed with the aim of declaring the independence of Kurdistan and the […]

“Child soldiers are cheaper to recruit”

In an exclusive interview with Iranian Kurdistan Human Rights Watch (IKHRW), Adam Ismail Ahmad, a Political Scientist and Founder of Connect African Development Project Initiative (CADPI2020), an NGO, Working On achieving Five thematic areas OF SDGs 4,3,1and 6 thus: Quality Education,Good Health,No Poverty and Clean Water and sanitation, examined the situation of child soldiers in […]

Eskandar Doosti: ”PJAK continues to extort us”

The issue of having the Iranian Kurdish children and adolescents killed by the Turkish army, as well as the PKK/PJAK itself, has doubled the concerns of the victims’ families. Many families who do not know the fate of their children are just waiting for their death to be announced through the social media. Danial Doosti […]

Bedri Firat: ”PKK is inhumane by child recruitment”

In an exclusive interview with the Iranian Kurdistan Human Rights Watch, Kurkish politician of Turkey Bedri Firat examined the latest developments in Kurdish affairs and called the Turkish government an occupier who is violating the sovereighty of its neighbors with its expansionist policies. While criticizing Kurdish parties and groups and the Kurdistan Regional Government, the […]

The sad story of Behzad Azarish; a Kurdish Kolbar, victim to PKK and PJAK terrorists

Recently, the PKK terrorist group released the names of 5 of its dead members, as usual, a few months later. Unfortunately, one of those killed was an Iranian Kurdish citizen who fell victim to the group. Behzad Azarish with the code name Ardal Judi, according to the group’s website, was killed in Matina, Iraqi Kurdistan […]

Mesut Hakki Chashin: PKK send mercenaries to Karabagh

It has become known that seven sniper shooters, who were neutralzied during the anti-terror operations carried out in the south-east of Turkey against the PKK terrorist organization, were the special forces of the Armenian army, Turkey`s “Vatan” newspaper reported. Expert on terrorism, retired military, professor of Maltapa University, Mesut Hakki Chashin said that there is […]

KRG MP: PKK is the enemy of the Kurds

A member of the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) Parliament says, “The PKK is executing the plans of the enemies of the Kurdish people, and that is why it does not leave the border areas. From the day the Kurdistan Parliament and the KRG were established, the PKK has been against us and has been opening […]
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