Category: Report

U.S. state department report describes the continuing recruitment of minors by PKK

The PKK and its Syrian offshoot YPG continue to recruit children for fighting in Syria and Iraq, according to a report published by the U.S. State Department concerning the trafficking of persons that occurred between January 2021 and December 2021. The 2022 Trafficking in Persons Report stated that children remain vulnerable to forcible recruitment and […]

“Iranian missing persons” and the duty of the Iraqi Kurdistan region towards them

Recently, a spokesman for the Iranian Ministry of Foreign Affairs referred to the Iranian Ministry and its consulates in Erbil and Sulaimaniyah in order to hold Kurdish regional officials accountable for the unknown situation of “Iranian Kurdish missing persons” who are members of militant groups based in the region. “As soon as the Ministry of […]

Halima, daughter of Maku’s Isa Khan

In 2006, according to the census, there were 217 people divded over 32 families living in the remote mountainous Isa Khan, of Maku (a district of the West-Azerbaijan province of Iran, situated near the Turkish border). The people of this village belong to the Balkhkanlu nomadic tribe. They live in a remote and untouched beautiful […]

Syrian Kurdish opposition group calls on SDF to end child recruitment

The Kurdish National Council (KNC) called on the Kurdish Kurdish Democratic Union Party (PYD) to stop the recruitment of children as soldiers in northern Syria on Sunday. “Although the abduction of minors is widely condemned and banned by international law and human rights (conventions), PYD (Democratic Union Party) militants carry out horrific acts against the […]

Why do PKK-affiliated media publish invalid news? / Additional information about “Mahmoud Salehi”

In statements made by the PKK-affiliated media about one of the “missing Iranian Kurdish children”, the person was named Mahmoud Salaahi, while his name was “Mahmoud Salehi”. In Persian pronunciation, this is not a misspelling, but a completely different name. This information was sent by one of his friends to the Iranian Kurdistan Human Rights […]

Syrian Kurdish militia kidnaps a 13 year old girl in Qamishlo to be recruited for SDF

The “Revolutionary Youth” of the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) kidnapped a 13-year-old girl on her way from her parents’ home to school, and sent her to a conscription camp to fight in the ranks of the “Syrian Democratic Forces” (SDF). Al-Khabour website quoted its correspondent as saying that the 13-year-old girl, Lorin Khaled Hussein, disappeared […]

“Disappeared” Iranian Kurdish children / “Mahmoud Salahi” from Kermanshah

According to the information received by the Human Rights Watch of Iranian Kurdistan and verified, “Mahmoud Salahi” with the organizational name “Ardal Agit” was a Kermanshah native. According to this information, he was born in Dalaho, Kermanshah. His father’s name was “Akbar” and his mother’s name was “Hajar”. The child was deceived in 2009 in […]

Iranian Kurdistan Human Rights Watch report on “Iranian-Kurdish Missing Children” for the UN

The International Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance is a United Nations international human rights treaty designed to prevent the enforced disappearance of persons and defined in international law as a crime against humanity. The resolution was adopted by the UN General Assembly on December 20, 2006 and signed by the […]

Recommendations concerning the prevention of more unnecessary victims such as “Hediye Tahai”

Much has been said about the reasons for recruitment of youngsters by the PKK and PJAK. The children of such families, who can not bear the economic and social problems and of course the sometimes unreasonable and irrational pressures of their parents, seek refuge, but are unaware that the paths they choose are going nowhere […]

While 4 more children are abducted by PKK’s Syrian wing; Dana Ahmadi’s mother yearns for answers

The Syrian wing of the PKK, the YPG, has recruited four more children in a renewed violation of international law and norms in northern Syria’s Aleppo province Wednesday. Militants kidnapped 14-year-old Sevsen Dervis and 16-year-old Nisrin Habas from the Eshme village on Feb. 26.     They also kidnapped 14-year-old Muhammed and 14-year-old Diyar Muhammed […]
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