Category: Report

Has Abdullah Ocalan passed away?

Kurds around the world are boiling with anger. They are planning a general uprising to demand news about the imprisoned PKK-leader (Kurdistan Workers’ Party). In over a dozen European cities, such as Stockholm, Paris, Dresden, Frankfurt, The Hague, Kurds have already taken to the streets with yellow flags showing a picture of their leader, and […]

In Iraqi Kurdistan, civilians count the cost of Turkey’s fight against the PKK

For two weeks, Shahin hasn’t said a word. The six-year-old boy avoids all eye contact, his mouth agape in shock. “Since our village was bombed, he has been traumatised,” explains his father, Xalla Min. “It was terrible. The warplanes struck four times: first three missiles, then two, then two more, and one missile at the […]

PKK Eyes a Future in Iraqi Politics

The Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) is making moves through its offsprings to secure a position in Iraq’s politics, especially during the upcoming parliamentary elections. The PKK, originally established to fight for the rights of Kurds in Turkey, is now on the ground in the neighboring Syria and Kurdistan Region where it is widely unwelcome. The […]

Abduction: KRG security officials cooperate with the KDPI: IRI Foreign Ministry Must Pursue

As the Iranian Kurdistan Human Rights Watch (IKHRW) reports by quoting local sources in the Iraqi Kurdistan Region, Benjamin Farajzadeh, a young Iranian Kurdish citizen deceived by PJAK and then transferred to its camps in Qandil Mountain, the Iraqi Kurdistan Region, could have escaped the camps of this terrorist group. This news was announced by […]

HDP organizations lay foundation to recruit women for PKK: report

BY NUR ÖZKAN ERBAYMAR The Pro-PKK Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) organizations lay the groundwork for women to join the terrorist organization, a report said, stressing that while the PKK claims to “liberalize” women, it in fact ignores and even endangers their freedoms and security. The report titled “PKK Terror and Women,” published on International Women’s […]

New cynical record-breaking; The PKK announces of the death of its Iranian recruits 21 months late

The PKK is a specialist at massacres. The victims by this group are mostly Kurds. Wherever the PKK has been present; in Turkey, Syria, Iraq and Iran; the groups has harmed the Kurds who have been killed and have finally gained nothing but destruction, misery and displacement. What are the achievements of the PKK? Neither […]

Ethnic cleansing in Afrin: The case of the city of Rajo

Since its invasion of the Syrian Kurdish canton of Afrin in March 2018, Turkey has carried out ethnic cleansing of this territory north of Aleppo. Before this invasion, the canton had a population of about 300,000 inhabitants, nearly 98% Kurds and it also hosted, according to UN statistics, 125,000 internally displaced persons, mostly Kurds fleeing […]

Khazali: Turkey seeks to attack  Shangal

Leader of the Asaib Ahel al-Haq, Qais Khazali said that plans are being hatched by Turkey to launch an attack on Shengal in summer, calling on the Iraqi Federal Government to take the necessary procedures in this regard.    On January 22nd, 2021, Erdogan threatened to carried out an attack on the Shengal Province, saying: […]

Turkey hits Kurds in northern Syria with a cruel weapon: water

Water disruptions in Hasakah spell more suffering for civilians unless Turkish forces withdraw from NE Syria Turkey’s stated aim of creating a safe zone along the border now entails cutting off water as a pressure tactic Near the town of Ras Al-Ain in Hasakah, in northeastern Syria, empty jerry cans were piled high on the […]

Armored police vehicle tries to run over children in Turkey’s southeast

An armored police vehicle was seen trying to run over children in Turkey’s Batman. The footage of the incident shared by the HDP showed children running to save themselves. An armored police vehicle was seen trying to run over children in the Kurdish-majority southeastern province of Batman. The footage of the incident was shared by […]