Category: Report

Why doesn’t PJAK deliver Kamrani’s corpse to his family?

According to the Iranian Kurdistan Human Rights Watch, the PKK-affiliated Euphrates News Agency published a report on August 31, 2018, in which PKK forces were killed in a bombing raid by the Turkish army on August 2, 2018, on the outskirts of Shirnak, South-East Turkey. One of the Iranian forces killed in this attack was […]

Julian Assange will not be extradited to the US

British judge Baraitser has ruled that Julian Assange, the man behind Wikileaks and a hero for freedom of journalism, should not be extradited to the US. The US government filed a request to prosecute him on 17 charges of espionage and 1 charge of computer abuse, for a total maximum sentence of 175 years. In […]

Professor at Medeniyet Istanbul University: The PKK has had an impact on Iranian-Turkish relations

According to the Iranian Kurdistan Human Rights Watch, the Institute for Strategic Studies in the Middle East in Tehran hosted Professor Ozden Zeynep Oktav, Professor of Istanbul Medeniyet University and Director of the International Relations Department on Wednesday, December 24, 2016. The subject of this virtual meeting was the relations between Iran and Turkey in […]

Hotel Sileen has closed its doors

The tourist attraction of western Iran is the idyllic region of Hewraman. The area is known worldwide for its breathtaking mountain formations, the river Sirwan, the many springs, the winding roads with a new view around every corner, and the beautiful villages built against the cliff, where people still walk around in traditional Kurdish clothing […]

A night without saying goodbye, when terrorists shoot at humanity

July 20, 2018. It was 10 pm. The ring road of Kamyaran city was silent and there was no car passing like every night. A car was passing every few minutes at that time of the night, breaking the silence of the night for a moment, and silence and calm came everywhere once again. But […]

Heyva Sor a Kurd or Kurdish Red Moon

Establishment Since 1978, the Kurdistan Worker’s Party has sought ways to provide financial support, logistical support, a ways to transfer funds to the Kurdistan region easily, and to influence the public opinion for the Kurdish cause. At the PKK’s third congress in 1986, the decision was made to establish several non-profit, humanitarian organizations in Europe […]

Iraqi Kurds want American troops at their border because of escalating intra-Kurdish tensions

Iraqi-Kurdish president Masrour Barzani asked Washington on Tuesday afternoon to station their troops on the border with Syria after yet another escalation between the PKK (Kurdistan Workers’ Party) and the KDP (Kurdish Democratic Party), as reported by al-Monitor. According to the KDP, the Syrian-Kurdish YPG (People’s Protection Units) tried to infiltrate their territory. This resulted […]

Erdogan’s special envoy meets Osman Ocalan

Osman Ocalan, former member of the PKK leadership council and the brother of the group’s leader, who accused the PKK of cracking down dissent and criticism within the group and fled the organization, said in an interview that he had met Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s envoy to the peace process. He says the meeting took place […]

PKK media attacks Beşikçi; Kurdish writer support Beşikçi

PKK Media have taken a completely opposite position to the people, especially Kurdish writers and this due to the statements of the Turkish writer Ismail Beşikçi in support of the Kurdish people and calling the PKK as the enemy of the Kurds. Houshang Ose, a Kurdish writer and journalist, and a former PKK activist, defended […]

Hoshyar Zebari: PKK is behind of the riots in Sulaymaniyah

Following the protests of the people in the Kurdistan Region, especially in Sulaimaniyah Province against the corruption of the Government, especially the delay of several months in the payment of salaries, the police of this region intensified the repression so that some Kurdish experts compared the suppression way with the ones by Saddam Hussein and […]