Category: Report

Some myths about the PKK

A few things about the PKK and its branches are propagated by its fans, which are nothing more than myths. These are mentioned in the following video file. – Countries in the region fighting against the PKK and its branches are “at war with the Kurds are”! Meanwhile, the number of PKK members is not […]

On Twitter, Turan Rasul: Photos speak

Political analyst Turan Rasul Turkoglu, on his Twitter page, addressed the issue of child soldiers in the People’s Defense Units (YPG), the armed wing of the PKK in Syria, and leaves judgement on the presence or absence of child soldiersin the PKK by bringing pictures of a number of killed members of the group and […]

PJAK is responsible for the death of Karim Hosseinzadeh

When PJAK, a branch of the PKK, relentlessly recruited child soldiers as the PKK’s fighting force, it did not imagine that one day human rights organizations would ask and pressure its leaders, especially in Europe to answer on the fate of these children, something that is taking shape. Karim Hosseinzadeh is one of the children […]

Sona Yarc: PKK Record full of torture and murder of teachers, doctors, engineers

PKK has repeatedly massacred family members of Kurdish village guards A political expert, Sona Yarc, posted a picture of PKK victims on her Twitter account saying as the PKK is a terrorist organization that has tortured and killed many civilians, including babies, children, women, men, doctors, teachers and engineers. This political expert recalls the PKK’s […]

Heart Surgery on Kurdish novelist and winner of Mehregan Adab Prize

Ata Nahayi, a Kurdish writer and winner of the Mehregan Adab Literary Prize, was admitted to Imam Ali Hospital in Kermanshah for heart surgery and was transferred to the intensive care unit after surgery. Dr. Fereydoun Sabzi, an internationally renowned Kurdish specialist, performed the surgery. Kawan Nahayi, the son of Ata Nahayi, says his father’s […]

Sirwan Mojaver or Zilan Khoshmir?

One of PJAK’s anti-humanitarian actions, like other branches of the PKK is that it does not even have mercy on the name of the member, and by giving a new and, of course, irrelevant name, it separates the person from his/her real identity and creates a rift. Sirwan, the son of Mohammad and Sara from […]

No news about Khadijeh Brooki Milan yet

When Adel and Rabieh had a child named Khadijeh, they did not imagine their daughter would be killed hundreds of kilometers away from Maku, West Azerbaijan Province, Iran, in Hakari, Turkey, where she was involved in the Turkish army’s conflict with the PKK. This was the path determined by PJAK in order to provide fighters […]

Two Kurdish parties in Turkey in a joint statement: PKK Must be disarmed

Two Kurdish parties: PKK paves the way for Turkish invasion. The two parties “Socialist” and “Freedom” in Turkish Kurdistan issued a joint statement stating that the PKK deliberately violates the sovereignty of Iraq and the laws of the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) and paves the way for Turkish attacks. The statement described the Turkish government […]

A statement by the German Yazidi Association to the PKK: Release the Yazidi child soldiers

A few hours ago, the German Yazidi Association issued a statement in German against the PKK. “We do not want the PKK to use the Yazidis for ideological purposes, and we ask it to end their membership in the Shangal Defense Units (YBŞ).” The statement said, “After the defeat of ISIS, the PKK established its […]

Introducing a Book

The book “Killing Your Friend” is written by Aitkin Yilmaz. This 192-page book has been published by the well-known and well-known publishing company Iltisim (Communication) in Turkey. These publications are widely welcomed by academics and scientists and publish authoritative and documentary books.The book, which is in Turkish, was written by a former PKK member. Written. […]