Category: Report

Turkey’s PKK conflict: a statistical analysis

We have analysed the loss of life of both PKK members, Turkish state security forces and civilians between june 2015 and june 2020. A great shift in dynamics can be seen in this data. Not only has the ratio of PKK-deaths and state security forces-deaths changed drastically, PKK has increased its number of Iranian militants […]

After Komala, SDF also hires lobbyist in Washington

The Washington office of the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Council (SDC) has hired its first lobbyist, in an attempt to gain political support. They have hired longtime Kurdish advocate Ayal Frank and his firm, AF International, for the next six months to lobby Congress and the Donald Trump administration, said Sinam Sherkany Mohamad, the US representative […]

Kurdish mothers in front of the HDP office: We will not celebrate Eid al-Qurban without our abducted children

Dozens of Kurdish mothers have been protesting in front of the office of the People’s Democratic Party (HDP) for about a year now, calling on the party to take the abducted children from the PKK and return them. These Kurdish mothers did not give up their sit-in even in the cold of winter and still […]

The disappearance of a young Kurdish man from Khoy

Ismail Dudkanlu Milan, son of Hussein and Kareh, has never been seen since he was abducted by PJAK gunmen in his village in the Khoy border region. After his parents found out that PJAK had abducted him, they tried to bring him back, but members of the Kandil-based group in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq […]

A call for Marivan human rights activists

Human rights are neither ethnic nor tribal nor specific to a country. There have been and are cases of human rights violations in all societies. But what causes human rights violations in a society to be minimal or ideally zero is the result of the real and conscientious activity of human rights activists in that […]

The Kurdish girl was killed before the age of 18

Manijeh Dindar, the daughter of Fatemeh and Fahim, was born in a deprived village in Maku city, West Azerbaijan province. Her parents did not send her to school after primary school due to the traditional culture of the region and their financial problems. Manijeh, like many girls in the village, worked at home waiting for […]

KRG Parliament: 504 villages evacuated for PKK violence

Committees in charge of investigating the war and violence of the Turkish army and the PKK in the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) have published their report in the parliament of this region saying as Turkey has entered 15 km deep in Iraqi soil and so far more than 500 villages are evacuated because of PKK-Turkey […]

Halabja survivor commits suicide

An Kurdish-Iraqi Halabja genocide survivor committed suicide today in Halabja, that was suffering from the financial difficulties and the Kurdistan Region Government’s carelessness to take care of the poor. I will translate the letter he left behind to understand the reasons behind his hopelessness: “My End When there is no bit of tranquility in life, […]

Former PKK supporters protest against it in Sinjar now

The trend of escape and leaving PKK members and supporters  in the group and its branches is increasing. After the escape of Daliya Muslim, the nephew of Saleh Muslim and a member of the PKK / YPJ, caused a great shock to the group, the Yazidi Kurds of Sinjar also protested openly against the PKK […]

Who is guilty for the death of the young Kurdish of Mahabad?

It is necessary to establish an association to follow the fate of PKK / PJAK victims. Abdul Baqi Mohammadnejad, the son of Rahman and Zahra, was still a teenager student when he was caught in the trap of PJAK’s deceptive propaganda. He was a at a sensitive age. PJAK set Abdul Baqi, like dozens of […]