Category: Report

PJAK’s new crime; Announcing the death of an Iranian member after 9 months

PJAK, the armed and militant group, which has been repeatedly criticized by human rights organizations for abducting and deceiving children and their disappearance, in its latest crime, has published the names of 2 of its members nine months after they were killed. Firat News Agency, the media organ of PKK/PJAK, has published the names of […]

Another Iranian became a victim of the PKK-Türkiye war

Why should an Iranian youth be killed in the PKK war with the Turkish army? The Firat news agency affiliated with the Turkish PKK armed group has announced in its latest announcement that “three forces of this group, including an Iranian and a member of the People’s Defense Forces (HPG) on June 15, 2023 were […]

The necessity of disarming the Kurdish groups in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq

Iranian Kurdistan Human Rights Watch (IKHRW) expressed concern about the rising tension between Kurdish parties opposing Iran in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq, after it emphasized the necessity while ago. The armedness of the Kurdish parties opposing Iran has shifted them from the political phase to the armed phase for many years. This approach has […]

The shocking story of the deception of a thirteen-year-old child by the Kurdistan Democratic Party of Iran

According to the Iranian Kurdistan Human Rights Watch (IKHRW), Kurdish militant and armed groups have serious disagreements on various political issues, but in harming Iranian Kurdish families and kidnapping Kurdish children, they are completely alike. The Kurdistan Democratic Party of Iran, known as HDK, which is accused of militant actions against Iranian Kurds and cooperation […]

The need for urgent humanitarian action in the Kurdistan region of Iraq

During the last four decades, opposing Kurdish parties of Iran have bases in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq, which, in addition to political activities, have also launched military and armed branches and have had conflicts in the border areas of Iran. Regardless of the political issues and tensions that exist in this area, the Iranian […]

Children’s rights

Children’s rights: prohibiting the use of children as soldiers in armed conflicts. As the most vulnerable members of human society, children need serious support from the international community, both in practical and theoretical-legal dimensions; because many crimes have been committed against this part of society. The development of children’s rights is aimed at defending their […]

Sexual violence against children

The previous reports of the Iranian Kurdistan Human Rights Watch (IKHRW) on various crimes against children, mentioned that the United Nations Security Council, officially addressed the issue of the presence of children in war and internal and international armed conflicts in 1996. At the same time, the United Nations General Assembly sought to collect information […]

The challenge of the presence of militant and paramilitary groups inside and along Iran’s borders

The Minister of Interior of Turkey has claimed that currently mountainous areas around Mako in Iran, next to Qandil Mountain, are important safe zones for the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) and its military wing, the so-called People’s Defense Forces (HPG). what Turkey’s goals are for raising this issue is not up for debate, although in […]

Violation of children’s rights by PJAK

Denial of Children’s access to humanitarian aid by PJAK. It was mentioned in the previous reports of the Iranian Kurdistan Human Rights Watch (IKHRW) on various crimes against children, that the United Nations Security Council, by establishing the “Special Representative on Children and Armed Conflicts” in 1996, officially addressed the issue of the presence of […]

International Missing Children’s Day and remembering PJAK’s responsibility

May 25th is International Missing Children’s Day. The purpose is to support missing children who may be threatened, sexually abused, harassed or trafficked, with the slogan: “No child is alone”. Probably every Kurd who believes in the rights of these people in the Middle East, is reminded of the Kurdish children who have missed during […]
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