Disclosure of reasons for membership of Fariba Piri in Democrat and PAK armed groups

Fariba Piri was initially recruited by the Democrat group and then PAK.

According to the IKHRW, one of the reasons and backgrounds for the recruitment of Kurdish armed groups in Kurdish areas of Iran is unsuccessful marriage experiences of women who are likely forced to marry due to family pressure and after divorce, in order to escape the constant pressure from their families and society, they have had no choice but to leave their homes and join these groups, promising the opportunity to travel to Europe for a better life and income.

Mrs. Fariba Piri, formerly a member in these terrorist groups, in her interview with IKHRW reporter, talks about these promises and the reasons for her membership. She, born on 25 August 1993 in Sarvabad, was initially recruited by the Democrat terrorist group and then PAK. She joined these groups in late March 2021 and returned to the country in October 2021 after an illegal exit.

IKHRW reporter: Ms. Piri! Please explain to our audience why you joined armed groups. Did you have a political motive?

Fariba Piri: I did not have any prior acquaintance with these groups. I was not in a good mood after divorce. I could not to my father’s house because my stepmother had bad behavior with me. As a young girl I had to work in a restaurant in Marivan to make a living. However, I was repulsed by the restaurant owner, but I had to endure. However, I became tired and was seeking escape. At that time, I became acquainted with a man named Bahman on Instagram. Gradually we started talking, until I talked about my problems with him. After a while, I was offered to go to Iraq and see him and become a member of the Democratic Party.  He himself was a member of the Democratic group and had posted a series of photos and videos of the dancing and celebration of the group members on his page, as there was a space of freedom and joy. He promised to take to Norway. Disappointed here, I decided to go to Iraq. I waited for him in Sulaymaniyah but he was not there. I was deceived. So I returned Iran. He sent messages many times. I was so angry but finally I accepted illegally. When arrived, I realized none of what he had told me were true. After several weeks in the mountains, the training course commenced. They were very hard days. We had to wake up at 3 AM and start working and physical training. I was compelled to participate. I thought I would be able to easily go to Europe after these hard days. However, they said you must stay here for at least 5 years, then you can decide for yourself. After a short period since my membership, some of their commanders came to me and said “A IRGC force has entered the region and we have chosen you to assassinate him.” They persisted, but ultimately I did not accept.

IKHRW reporter: Why did you leave Democratic and join PAK? Why did you not return Iran?

Fariba Piri: In the midst of these issues, I realized that they had expelled Bahman from the Democrats. I had also rejected the assassination and there was a hostile approach towards me! I left Democrat and joined PAK because Bahman was there but I couldn’t see him. The situation in Pak was similar to that in the Democratic, with the same issues, the same exercises, and the same ideological classes!   In that place, exactly the same suggestion was made to me: the assassination of an IRGC force. It shocked me.

IKHRW reporter: What happened? Explain more.

Fariba Piri: Senior members told me that an IRGC forces soldier has entered the region to do espionage on these groups and strike them. Due to the proposal, I escaped from the Democrat; but the same thing happened here as well. However PAK was much stricter. It was so excessive that after I did not accept their offer; I was imprisoned for forty days. Every day they were beating me and insulting me. I have decided to accept the assassination to escape torture.

It has been decided I work at a hotel to ensure everything is normal. For a period of time, they sent me inside the city, constantly monitored me to prevent escape. But I was neither a killer nor could I be a killer. I just wanted to be able to escape more easily.

IKHRW reporter: What are you doing now? Are you satisfied with life?

Fariba Piri: I thank God that I now have a much easier life, when I returned to Iran, nothing happened to me. I got married, I am very satisfied with my spouse and my life, and I also have a store. I thank God that I haven’t killed anyone. However, the only thing that really scared me was that about three months ago when I was working in the shop, a middle-aged man and woman entered my shop and asked my name.  They told me “you have joined the IRGC. We now see you as a traitor because you have betrayed all of us. Be careful.”  I fear everything especially the lives of my children. Of course the situation in Iran is better than in PAK and democratic headquarters. After that threat, there is no trace of them. I hope to be able to live peacefully.

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