Tag Archives: kurdish

Moein Samadi’s Account of 7 Months in the Democrat Group

Moein Samadi: Members of this group were mostly seeking personal gain According to Iranian Kurdistan Human Rights Watch from Marivan, Moein Samadi, born on April 12, 2001, joined the armed Democrat group on March 9, 2018, when he was only 16 years old, effectively underage. After seven months of collaboration and association with the group, […]

Untold details of Kharaman Amjadi regarding the terrorist group PAK

Kharaman Amjadi: My life at that time was heavily impacted by familial issues and deep conflicts with my spouse IKHRW, in recent years, has developed a substantial database and intelligence on armed groups and their operations due to its extensive activities surrounding social and economic harms and the violations of human rights in Kurdish regions […]

Sirvan Doreh , has a history of membership in Komala

Sirvan Doreh: The reason of joining was solely poverty, unemployment, and lack of money. According to the Iranian Kurdistan Human Rights Watch from Sanandaj, due to lack of infrastructure development and high rates of poverty and unemployment in Iran’s border areas, especially Kurdish areas of Iran, young people in this region are facing chronic unemployment. […]

Mobin Aziznejad and the promise of dispatch to Europe

The repetitive method of PAK to deceive Iranian Kurdish youth like Mobin Aziznejad. Mobin Aziznejad, born in 2001 and a former member of PAK, is one of the young individuals who was deceived by PAK’s promises and was a member of this group for a while. According to the reporter of the Iranian Kurdistan Human […]

Idris Rostami joined PAK for quitting drug

Idris Rostami: The main reason for my membership in the PAK was the economic issues and low income in Iran. Idris Rostami, born in 1994 in Marivan, is one those who fell into the trap of PAK and has been in this group for 4 years in order to obtain a residence card which is […]

Mob attack on dance event in Turkey

Mob attack on dance event in Turkey’s southeast Diyarbakır raises fears of organized intolerance. In Turkey’s Kurdish-majority Diyarbakır (Amed), a cultural event organized by a private dance school in a public space was attacked by a group shouting religious slogans, resulting in injuries to several bystanders and participants. An outdoor dance event organized by a […]

PAK misuses family disputes of a Kurdish woman to recruit her

Fatemeh Choupanposht joined PAK with her two-year-old son. According to the IKHRW from Bukan, one of the social problems in Kurdish areas of Iran is forced marriage, family disputes and inappropriate behavior towards women and girls. In fact, the Kurdish woman is forced to seek refuge with an armed group to escape social disorder and […]

Truth in the Heart of Darkness: Ejin’s Mother in Search of Her Kidnapped Daughter

A report of a mother’s search to get family’s only daughter, Ejin back, from PAK. Iranian Kurdistan Human Rights Watch recently conducted an interview with the mother of a girl named Ejin Amini, joined the Kurdistan Liberation Armed Group at 14. This shows that child soldiers and its effects in the local communities of Iranian […]

PJAK’s new crime; Setting a record in the forced disappearance of a Kurdish young man

One of the daily and consistent crimes of PJAK and of course other Kurdish armed groups is the forced disappearance of members. According to the Iranian Kurdistan Human Rights Watch, the crimes of the PJAK terrorist group against Iranian Kurdish youth and teenagers are still continuing and every day, new aspects of the inhumane actions […]

The continual use of children as soldiers in P.K.K

Firat news agency, the official organ of P.K.K armed group, has announced that it has recruited new members. The P.K.K announced in news: “9 more youths announced their joining to P.K.K by reading a statement. These young people declared that living freely in the mountains is Abdullah Ojalan’s lifestyle.” (Assuming the news is true and […]
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