Tag Archives: kurdish

IKHRW releases a shocking report on abduction of Iranian under ages by KDP(1)

As the Iranian Kurdistan Human Rights Watch (IKHRW) reports, the evidence, documented record and statistics prove, the armed and terrorist groups active in the name of the Kurdish people have done much against these people than others. Conflict, assassination, extortion and child recruitment as soldiers have been committed by these Kurdish groups pretending to defend […]

Braille alphabet for Kurdish language

According to the Iranian Kurdistan Human Rights Watch (IKHRW), quoting a group of scientific and cultural activists, the blind in Kurdistan province in collaboration with the University of Kurdistan, have created a Braille alphabet for the Kurdish language. The blind people of Kurdistan University have formed a center namely SOMA to work for improving the […]

Kurdish writer threatened with death by PKK

A Kurdish writer and researcher was threatened with death by the PKK for publishing criticizing literature on the PKK’s anti-Kurdish policy. Hushang Ose, a Syrian Kurdish writer and researcher, wrote on his Facebook account: “Following the publication of several investigative articles about the PKK and Abdullah Ocalan, I have been threatened with death by the […]

The sad story of Behzad Azarish; a Kurdish Kolbar, victim to PKK and PJAK terrorists

Recently, the PKK terrorist group released the names of 5 of its dead members, as usual, a few months later. Unfortunately, one of those killed was an Iranian Kurdish citizen who fell victim to the group. Behzad Azarish with the code name Ardal Judi, according to the group’s website, was killed in Matina, Iraqi Kurdistan […]

Human rights activists protest PJAK crimes against women

According to the Iranian Kurdistan Human Rights Watch (IKHRW), a large group of human rights and civil society activists took part in a Twitter storm at the invitation of the IKHRW on Saturday, December 27, 2016, coinciding with the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women. To protest against the violation of human […]

Humanitarian initiative of a Kurdish sportsman to support children

Quoting the social media, the Iranian Kurdistan Human Rights Watch (IKHRW) reports that Ali Gheybi, a Kurdish sportsman from Ilam province, and a member of the national running team ran, as a humanitarian action, to raise money and draw the attention of the people for 9 hours on Friday and this for helping the deprived […]

Several documented cases of PKK crimes against Kurdish civilians in the Doski area

Honorary Reporter of Iranian Kurdistan Human Rights Watch has sent the following report from the Doski area in Duhok province, to Introduce PKK crimes against the civilians, the translation of which is presented along with photos of a number of victims: “If we want to write about the PKK’s crimes against civilians, we can write […]

Adnan Oktar: Ocalan insults Kurdish women in his books

Adnan Oktar, a well-known Turkish writer, in a speech about the situation of women and Abdullah Ocalan’s views, described Ocalan’s thoughts on women, especially Kurdish women, as “shameful”, citing O‌calan’s writings and citing the anti-woman comments and the number of the subject in his books. “The PKK changed its strategy after the 1990s, declaring that […]

Heart Surgery on Kurdish novelist and winner of Mehregan Adab Prize

Ata Nahayi, a Kurdish writer and winner of the Mehregan Adab Literary Prize, was admitted to Imam Ali Hospital in Kermanshah for heart surgery and was transferred to the intensive care unit after surgery. Dr. Fereydoun Sabzi, an internationally renowned Kurdish specialist, performed the surgery. Kawan Nahayi, the son of Ata Nahayi, says his father’s […]

Sohrab Mohammadi, a traditional Kurdish singer of Khorasan

Sohrab Mohammadi, born in 1937, got interested in Kurdish art and music in Khorasan at the age of ten, and during his life, he rendered valuable services to the art and culture of this region of Iran. He was a Bakhshi/traditional singer. A Bakhshi is the traditional singer in the Kurdish culture of Khorasan. He […]
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