Tag Archives: kurdish

Suleiman Ali Khan to the IKHRW: KRG deceives people

Suleiman Ali Khan, a Kurdish journalist in the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG), who is also the editor of a Kurdish online magazine, says: “We have no democracy nor development here. The KRG does not pay attention to the people’s demands. Trhis is while in the developed countries, the authorities care more about human beings than […]

USA thwarts Russian plan to establish a new militia in North-East Syria

The United States of America thwarted a Russian plan to establish armed groups from its local elements in its areas in northeastern Syria, according to informed sources. According to previous statements, informed sources said that Russia began about 3 months ago to plan the establishment of local military units belonging to it in the northern […]

Three more families protest against PKK

Since September 3, 2019, more than 108 Kurdish families have been sitting in front of the Democratic People’s Party (HDP) office – the PKK branch – in Diyarbakir. They say “the HDP has a role in kidnapping our children and bringing them to PKK camps in Qandil mountains, Northern Iraq and must return them.” Today, […]
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