Tag Archives: PJAK

A former member: “Having economic and family problems, I was deceived by PJAK”

In an interview, A. Mahmudi, a former PJAK member, codenamed as Awat, born on 01/05/1999 in a village of Chalderan city, West Azerbaijan province, Iran, said: “My father had workshop in the area that went bankrupt. This led the family to many difficulties and challenges.” “Due to financial and family problems, I left home and […]

Exclusive: Wide destruction of private property by PJAK, strange absence of Iranian government

PJAK sets fire people’s property. This sentence is a summary of the present report. The PJAK has damaged the property of people and economic activists as much as thousands of dollars. Why are the Iranian government and its law enforcement agencies absent? Nobody knows exactly! Following the reports received by the Iranian Kurdistan Human Rights […]

Father of a child ‌ recruited by PKK: “My son was abducted and killed”

According to the Iranian Kurdistan Human Rights Watch (IKHRW), the presence of child soldiers in the PKK and its branches is undeniable, even the heads of this terrorist group have confirmed it. Hundreds of Kurdish mothers have gathered in front of the office of the People’s Democratic Party (HDP) in Diyarbakir, Turkey for more than […]

Latest victim of PJAK terrorism: Seyran Abbasi, mother of two children

A documentary and convincing report by the Iranian Kurdistan Human Rights Watch (IKHRW) on the kidnapping, burying and killing a number of Iranian teenagers and children in PJAK headquarters and the caves where the group lives and this due to avalanches and heavy snow in 2020 winter, led to numerous reactions and questions in Kurdistan […]

Why doesn’t PJAK deliver Kamrani’s corpse to his family?

According to the Iranian Kurdistan Human Rights Watch, the PKK-affiliated Euphrates News Agency published a report on August 31, 2018, in which PKK forces were killed in a bombing raid by the Turkish army on August 2, 2018, on the outskirts of Shirnak, South-East Turkey. One of the Iranian forces killed in this attack was […]

Professor at Medeniyet Istanbul University: The PKK has had an impact on Iranian-Turkish relations

According to the Iranian Kurdistan Human Rights Watch, the Institute for Strategic Studies in the Middle East in Tehran hosted Professor Ozden Zeynep Oktav, Professor of Istanbul Medeniyet University and Director of the International Relations Department on Wednesday, December 24, 2016. The subject of this virtual meeting was the relations between Iran and Turkey in […]

Hotel Sileen has closed its doors

The tourist attraction of western Iran is the idyllic region of Hewraman. The area is known worldwide for its breathtaking mountain formations, the river Sirwan, the many springs, the winding roads with a new view around every corner, and the beautiful villages built against the cliff, where people still walk around in traditional Kurdish clothing […]

A night without saying goodbye, when terrorists shoot at humanity

July 20, 2018. It was 10 pm. The ring road of Kamyaran city was silent and there was no car passing like every night. A car was passing every few minutes at that time of the night, breaking the silence of the night for a moment, and silence and calm came everywhere once again. But […]

From Ben Gurion’s ‘Periphery Doctrine’ to Kurdish separatism today

Introduction Many articles can be found stating that Kurdish separatism today is heavily fueled by the US and/or Israel, in an attempt to undermine regional powers such as Turkey, the Islamic Republic of Iran and the Syrian Arab Republic. Kurdish separatism is seen by interfering parties as a way to weaken these powers’ grip over […]

PKK released its 3 child soldiers

Recruiting child soldiers in the PKK dates back since its establishment, and photographs of Abdullah Ocalan’s presence in Lebanon’s Baqa Valley also show armed children with whom he met as a member of the PKK. In recent years, human rights organizations have pointed to and emphasizded on the issue of human rights abuses by the […]
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