Tag Archives: PJAK

The need for a “serious response from the Iranian government” to the actions of Kurdish militant groups

Zahra Shukru from Selmas (14 years old) was eager to escape carpet weaving, and lured into PKK/PJAK membership under false pretenses. Recurrence of her bitter fate must be prevented.

Diyar Jahanbakhsh’s father: “PJAK has deceived my 14-year-old son”

The Iranian Kurdistan Human Rights Watch has continued its ongoing talks with the families of the victims of the PKK / PJAK crimes with the father of “Diar Jahanbakhsh”, another victim. One of the most frequent outcomes of having your child recruited by militant groups such as the PKK / PJAK, is not hearing anything […]

Father of Shirwan Seyedipour: “My son is in Syria, he wants to come home!”

Shirwan Seyedipour left home due to debts. After 2 years, he phoned home. He was injured, in Syria and wanted to return. His parents wait for him still.

Kamel Salimi’s father is worried sick: “We haven’t hear any news about our son for more than 3 years!”

Kamel Salimi's father is worried sick. His family hasn't heard any news about their son for more than 3 years! He disappeared suddenly after being deceived by PJAK.

Nasser Alizadeh’s father: PJAK took advantage of our family problems

Nasser Alizadeh was tricked into joining PJAK while smuggling at the border. He left his parents, wife, and son behind. IKHRW talked to his father again.

Salman Moradi’s father: PJAK refuses to give me news about my two sons

Salman Moradi (15) was tricked into joining PJAK 3 years ago. Brother Naseh followed one year after. Their father wants to know what happened to his sons.

Geneva Call; will you follow up on these children?

The kidnapping of minors and the deception of the youth in all countries with a Kurdish minority and the presence of PKK-affiliated organizations continues. This also happens on a regular basis in Iranian Kurdistan, where Iranian Kurdish teenagers are influenced and deceived both through social media platforms and local handlers deliberately targeting them, to be […]

Family of teenager recruited by PJAK: My brother’s body is buried somewhere in Syria

Amin Randigonbodi was a teenager when recruited by PJAK, some time before his obituary announcement was published from far away, from Syria. Amin is the son of Abdul Rahman Randigonbodi, from Urmia. His brother emphasized in an interview with IKHRW’s reporter that Amin was not a militant, had no particular political beliefs, and had no […]

Siamand Moeini needs to accept responsibility for the crimes and wrongdoings of PJAK / Part One

As observed by the Iranian Kurdistan Human Rights Watch, on Monday night, November 24, 2021, Mr. Siamand Moeini, the head of the PJAK armed and militant group (a branch of the PKK terrorist group), who has been working against the Islamic Republic from the heart of Europe (Stockholm, Sweden), while himself avoiding the dangers of […]

Lost in PJAK: Idris Faraji (part 5)

In a special note to the Iranian Kurdistan Human Rights Watch, a former PJAK member examines the forced disappearance and death of Iranian Kurdish teenagers in the PJAK / PKK terrorist group, and provides the watchdog with specific information about them. It is worth mentioning that all this information has been obtained from the official […]
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